Size help

Our rings show a US & UK size and a general size but if you still unsure:

1. Using a length of string or ribbon, wrap it around the base of your finger. To ensure the ring fits comfortably, we suggest measuring your knuckle as well. Your ring should be loose enough to slide over your knuckle comfortably. 

2. With a pen, mark the point on the string where the ends meet.

3. Measure the string in mm with a ruler.

4. Choose the closest measurement to the chart below to identify your ring size. If your ring appears to be between two sizes, we recommend choosing the larger size. 

If you are in-between, go for the larger of the 2 sizes.




Here's a handy picture on necklace length...



 Chain Types

  Oval Sequin necklace chain.


More Help

If you would like further help with sizing, we are more than happy to help: or DM us on Instagram.